Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend fun (I already miss my iPhone)

Spring and Summer weekends make me happy.  Unfortunately it won't last long, as we are getting EFFING SNOW TOMORROW.  Not happy.

I actually did pretty well with my challenge last week, and kind of lost it this weekend.  I mean, when your fiance offers to buy you a garbage plate, you can't say no.  You just can't.  

I am officially no longer an IPhone owner.  Ryan and I were up for upgrades, and the galaxy S5 was buy one get one free.  In these money strapped times, can't beat a deal like that.  If anyone has any tips on using a galaxy, I am all ears!

Saturday was absolute madness at the dog daycare, but they are just so darn cute.  I don't think I have ever left there mad.  You just can't. So I pretty much came home and passed out like an old woman.  and loved it.  

Sunday after work, it was way too nice to stay inside and veg.  Baine and I headed over to a local park and Baine just macked it up!  He rocked his first time in water, but we didn't get deep enough to swim.  It was fine with me because the water was freezing.  We have been living in a polar vortex.  

He tends to still get nervous around strangers, so we did a ton of work on it.  By the end of it, he was so tired, he could care less who was petting him.  We will get there!

I am going to be all adult over here and make some goals for this week.  
1.  Get 4 points for the challenge at least twice this week.
2.  No alcohol at night until Friday.
3.  Continue to eat clean even on the road.  
4. PR my bench press (which I rocked tonight!  115lbs)
5. Pick out a quote for my tattoo.  It's only a couple weeks away!

Hope you all had a fabulous Monday, ready to rock this week!

1 comment:

  1. I just got the Galaxy Note 3 and got rid of the iPhone. I did this for 2 reasons...1 I got it for $99...and 2...I always had my iPhone AND iPad with me...that's a lot of stuff if you throw in my normal purse stuff and my camera. With the Note 3 I ditched my iPad so now I only need to carry my phone cause it has such a big screen. Anyway, I am rambling...if you need any help with anything, I can try to help! The Galaxy user interface is one of Anroid's most user friendly, in my opinion. :)
